Day 0
너 옷 잘 입는다
I like the way you dress.
Day 1
이 또한 지나가리라
This too shall pass.
Day 2
정말 감동적이었어
I was really impressed.
Day 3
프로젝트 수고했어
You did a great job on the project.
Day 4
결국 잘 해낼 거라고 믿어
I believe in your ability to come out ahead.
Day 5
리뷰 데이를 하실 거라 믿어요
Speak believes in YOU!
Day 6
술 좀 줄여봐
Try to cut down on drinking
Day 7
내 연애가 걱정이야
I’m worried about my love life.
Day 8
정신 똑바로 차리고 있어
Be on the lookout.
Day 9
그나저나 소개팅 어땠어?
By the way, how was the blind date?
Day 10
오늘은 무슨 날이다?
Make sure to complete Review Day!
Day 11
한편으로는 치킨이 땡겨
On one hand, I’m craving fried chicken.
Day 12
아마존은 익일배송이 최고지
The best thing about Amazon is its next-day shipping.
Day 13
몸에 안 좋긴 한데
It’s not healthy though.
Day 14
성능이 중요한 게 아니야
It’s not about performance.
Day 15
스픽이 없었으면 힘들었을 거야
If it weren’t for Speak, English would have been difficult.
Day 16
나 망치면 어떡하지?
What if I mess up?
Day 17
네가 없었다면 못했을 거야
If it hadn’t been for you,
Day 18
고깃집에 가도 난 상관없어
I don’t mind if we go to a barbecue place.
Day 19
좀 불편해도 마스크 쓸 거야
Even if it's inconvenient, I will still wear a mask.
Day 20
스픽이 없었으면 힘들었을 거야
It it weren’t for Speak, English would have been difficult.
Day 21
못 믿겠지만 탐크루즈 봤어
Believe it or not, I bumped into Tom Cruise.
Day 22
너한테 작업 걸었다니 말도 안돼
There’s no way that she was hitting on you.
Day 23
결국 둘이 잘 될 줄 알았어
I knew they would end up together.
Day 24
듣기로는 다시 만나고 싶어 한대
From what I’ve heard, he wants to get back together.
Day 25
결국 스피킹 잘하실 줄 알았어요!
We knew you’d get good at speaking!
Day 26
어제에 비해 공기 상태가 별로야
Compared to yesterday, the air quality is not so good.
Day 27
걔 완전 허세야
He is such a poser.
Day 28
기운 차리는 데는 꿀잠이 최고
There is nothing as refreshing as a good night's sleep.
Day 29
근력운동은 할수록 힘이 세져
The more you lift, the stronger you get.
Day 30
영어 배우는 데는 스피킹이 최고!
There’s nothing as effective as Speak.